Thursday 8 December 2016

Old National park Nigeria

This was the time when me and my friends want to explore some things new and much exited. We have group of friends. I’m always excited with ethos particularly the culture I was born into the New York culture. I love the moon light floors of long past warriors; those that have made their paths in the sand of time. Always, travelling and trip are what we find delight in. we went from UK to Nigeria Lagos. We came for excitement. 

We booked the tickets in hurry. For the booking aim I call med- view airline customer service number. After this process, we went for airport. We reached evening in Lagos. We heard a lot about culture and people of Nigeria. I think we can get many things from the culture and soundings of Nigeria and its cities. In my opinion the travel in country side of Nigeria. 
you can customs, dissimilar ways of living are fantastic for the mind. You can also give new perspective about life and particularly your inner peace life. it can also help you to change some of your habits or even generate new ones. When I travel I frequently make it a theme to try new food, some cultures. you may have to taste new type and food. Next morning after reaching Lagos we went for the old national park of Nigeria. This is amazing place and view was so historic. 
There are many things which I want to share with you about this park. You can found Old Oyo National Park distances a shocking 860 square miles’ crossways Oyo State, Nigeria. A river in the park looks so amazing and beautiful. there are many types of leaves in the park some are in the river .it has many things to discover. When the water shrivels up, it leaves little plants on the rocks which dry up in the sun and create complicated white designs on the rocks which looks so nice. I really enjoyed it with my friends.

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